By : Marsudiono[*]

            In Indonesia the price of life is cheaper than the price of chili. It is still well recorded in our mind, how many lives lost in the calamity of Merapi eruption, earth quake and tsunami in Mentawai, land slide, and flooding in several areas of Indonesia. The victim is only a matter of statistic. Most people said that it was as a result of geographical phenomena.
            Indonesian has lost its sophisticated moral values. Not very long ago, not more than fifteen years before this country was bombarded by monetary crisis, we were ever proud of our nation as civilized society. It was written in the book of Pancasila and Civic Education. Here, we were described as friendly people.
            After Indonesia had entered the gate of reformation, the flowers of freedom euphoria bloomed everywhere. Now the flowers have turned into the fruits of anarchy, egotism, harassment, violence, rudeness, and abuse which tortured our nation to be the uncivilized society. Foot ball match ended with quarrel. A group of students from different schools attacked each other because of a simple problem, ‘mocking ‘. Demonstration turned to be a war between public and police. Are these the real culture of our nation? Who could stand witnessing children in famine, poverty and pain reverberate in our heart. How could we bear hearing children crying? “Father has gone on a long trip”, the loss of loved one. They went to take a last look at him where he laid in the midst of flowers. Anarchy and rudeness has created unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
            Character Building which is aimed to cure those acute illnesses is too late. But later is better than never. First, we raise dust, and then we complain that we cannot see. Most of problems in our nation come from our own fault.
            Three things might be able to make foundation of civilized nation. Firstly, teach students peacefully and wisely. Never show them violence. What the late Rama Mangun Wijaya said a long time ago when I was a university student in Yogyakarta is still lingering in my ears. A seed of mango will grow to be a mango tree. The root is the root of mango. The leave is the leaf of mango. The trunk is the trunk of mango. The branch is the branch of mango. The flower is the flower of mango and the fruit is the fruit of mango. If a teacher or a parent plants the seed of anger to the children, then they will grow to be the tree of anger.  Once you show unreasonable anger in front of students or your children, don’t blame them if they one day will be angry to their little brother.
            The cruelty and brutal act of our nation lately could be the fruit of the wrong conduct of our teaching. A teacher who beats or insults a student, parents who offend their children, government who acts violently to society and makes the innocent grass root marginalized from economic field, television which shows violence, quarrel, and fight, all of them must be responsible for the present moral condition of our society.
            Secondly, teaching students to appreciate literature could be fruitful for the process of making their heart peaceful. Peaceful heart will shine peaceful mind. The world in literature’s eye is not consisting of black and white. In every action we are always required to ask not only ontologically but also epistemologically. We do not only read the line but between the lines as well, even beyond the line. There is no better work of literature than the Holly Quran. Therefore, in a higher level, recommend your students to learn the Holly Quran. Not only do the students read it but they have to know the meaning as well.
            Thirdly, we have to deconstruct our bad culture. In Javanese culture, when there is a child runs and he or she falls down usually the person who takes care of the child will say, “The stone is naughty.” Then, the child is asked to beat the stone. Even though it is done only for the sake of the child not to cry any more, there are two bad habits have been planted unintentionally  into the child’s mind from this occurrence. First, by saying the stone is naughty it means that we train a child to blame other person when we get   problem. As a result, we tend to look for the black sheep when we fail to do something.  Second, by asking a child to punch the stone, we have accustomed a child to take revenge when there is a person who hurts him / her. We have to deconstruct this culture by teaching our students not to blame other persons. Instead, train our students to have introspection whenever they got problem in life and guide them to learn to forgive other person.
            Don’t cling to the past. Let’s keep our finger cross. There is a lining silver in every cloud. We have to get better from bitterness. To see how wonderful the scenery of afternoon fog in Ngrayun, we have to travel a long winding road toward the peak of Ngrayun. Is the sea is still called the sea if there is no wave in it? Is life still called life if there is no problem in it? That educators and parents should do now is to give example. A good example is better than thousands of wise words. Character building is not a matter of teaching. Instead, it is more prone to bear in students’ mind about how to behave properly, how to achieve a good attitude, and how to pursuit self realization. These are acquirable only by giving good examples and guiding them into the right path. Therefore, teaching must be enlightening and empower students to attain good characters. Teaching is not creating our students to be a monster of science.  Mathematics, Chemistry, and physics all are in vain unless these subjects make students humanize human being. The pursuit of a good moral is complicated, for it has to do with people and it is hard to gain perfection in imperfection of human being. Trying to do our best for our nation is the only way to recover all problems in our nation.

[*] Marsudiono is an English teacher in SMAN I Sambit  Ponorogo.


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