What Is Corona Virus Disease ?


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.  Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. 
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.

Give your comment about Covid 19 in the space below! 


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    1. Adinda Anisa Wardani

      in my opinion / comment with the covid 19 virus we are all forbidden to leave the house, the school becomes an online school at home, worship becomes at home, wear a mask if you want to go out, often wash your hands using antiseptics, avoid gathering with people, Exercise regularly, avoid touching the face area, obey government regulations so that the spread of Covid 19 does not increase, I hope that in April the Covid 19 virus will soon disappear and return to normal again. Don't forget to keep your health so that we stay healthy and avoid the virus covid 19


    2. With children studying at home he continued, parents feel calmer because they do not meet with many people. The school also cares and supports the government program to prevent, spread and break the Corona virus chain by dismissing children. The school also reminded children to do activities at home.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Often this virus is spread between humans to humans through liquid droplets from the mouth and nose when people who
      are being coughed or sneezing, similar to how the flu transmission. Liquid drops from the patient's mouth and nose can fall and fall on the mouth and mouth of another person who is above, even sucked and absorbed into the person's lungs through his nose.

    5. Nada salsabila

      in my opinion we have to maintain ourselves and always get used to washing hands and using closed clothes and always wear a mouth mask when traveling and use the correct hand soap and it is recommended always keep a distance or direct contact with many people avoiding crowds and crowds

    6. Mustanida Aulia Rahma

      covid-19 Very dangerous, then of that we have to avoid the things that can make ourselves contracting. we have to maintain ourselves and always get used to washing hands and using closed clothes and always wear a mouth mask when traveling and use the correct hand soap and it is recommended always keep a distance or direct contact with many people avoiding crowds and crowds

    7. Yulitavia P.R

      With the impact of the corona virus (covid-19) everyone is filled with fear for an uncertain future with great confusion and difficulty. therefore we must maintain cleanliness, keep quiet at home not to go out and study online at home. we must believe the disaster will surely be recovered we will rise again.

    8. Triani Wulandari

      In my opinion of the impact of corona virus ( covid-19 ) people filled with fear for an uncertain future with very confusion and difficulties. Therefore we have to keep the to hit by a viral and always do things that can be avoided the virus like wash hands, to remain calm at home to not go out and study online at home. We need to believe the disaster will surely be recovered we will be increased again.

    9. Iki piye kok neng kene ki, salah T4.

  2. I'm concerned with the fact that in Indonesia there are some people who still insisted on conducting wedding party. They only think of their own interests. We have to be aware of the danger of Covid 29. We should obey the government policy to stay at home and keep social distance. Keep togetherness to fight for the Corona Virus Disease.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's not uncommon lately corona / COVID-19 virus disease is rife. It is true what is reported in all media related to the danger, impact, causes, transmission and also at the same time the government is very aggressively campaigning for ways or steps that must be taken to avoid the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Such as may not interact directly with fellow humans, may not shake hands, even the distance between humans is at least 1 meter. The government is also aggressively promoting anti-virus spray in the villages on a mass basis and may not travel far. Therefore the use of masks and handytzeers are required to use them. Hopefully this virus will soon be destroyed so that there are impacts such as the number of school assignments through social media on a regular basis. So that access to the solution becomes complicated. But I personally thank the officers who are handling the victims of COVID-19, hope that they will be given health and strong immune power. The government provides appeals to the public. Not to forget for all of us. Keep your body condition, do not forget to be happy, and keep save healthy and always safety. Good job.

  6. I am concerned about the fact that in Indonesia there are some people, especially students who still insisted on being outside to played around. They don't think about the dangers of the COVID-19 and don't think about the struggles of the government, medical staff, police, military and all volunteers who fight to save all citizens to avoid the chain of the spread of the COVID-19. We must be aware of the dangers of COVID-19 and must obey government policies to remain in home and keep social distance.

  7. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
    We can channel our concerns into actions to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. First and foremost among these actions is regular and thorough hand-washing and good respiratory hygiene. Secondly, keep informed and follow the advice of the local health authorities including any restrictions put in place on travel, movement and gatherings.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Community solidarity is our important social capital to move us together against Covid-19. We invite all of you to wash your hands clean, keep learning, keep working, and keep worshiping, even though we are at home. Right now the most important thing that needs to be done is how we reduce the mobility of people from one place to another, keep a distance and reduce the crowd that carries a greater risk to the spread of Covid-19.

  10. Devvina Elisa Surya

    My comments on the problem of the corona virus outbreak are not far from the environment around me. In my opinion the peoples are not obeying the government to study, pray, and work from home. To study and pray at home they have obediently carried out. However bad, they still work as usual. They assume if working from home "How to meet daily needs? Do we have to starve by staying silent?" According to them also for matters of death not because of corona but all because of God. Although there are no positive cases in my area, they should comply with the government for mutual safety.

  11. Dela Putri Anggraeni

    Remain silent at home and maintain cleanliness, healthy body by diligently washing hands, maintaining eating patterns and hygiene of the residence that feels dirty, immediately make yourself feel alone when feeling unwell and while not to hang out with many people, remain patient because playing time more than sick time :)

  12. Devvina Elisa Surya

    My comments on the problem of the corona virus outbreak are not far from the environment around me. In my opinion the peoples are not obeying the government to study, pray, and work from home. To study and pray at home they have obediently carried out. However bad, they still work as usual. They assume if working from home "How to meet daily needs? Do we have to starve by staying silent?" According to them also for matters of death not because of corona but all because of God. Although there are no positive cases in my area, they should comply with the government for mutual safety.

  13. Hana Salsabila

    Corona virus outbreak or covid-19 has made us realize how important the quality of health is. A healthy lifestyle is a top priority in order to reduce the potential for various diseases. Although examined from any perspective, it turns out the body is very influential in all sectors of life. The fact is implementing a healthy lifestyle is not that simple. Take a look, when the government issues a Social Distancing policy. How many people are aware that the regulation is part of an effort to maintain the quality of health. Even an appeal not to hang out at the coffee shop is seen as a political policy. Yet if you think deeper, there is an educational side to it.

  14. Not infrequently lately corona virus disease / COVID-The government is aggressively campaigning for ways or steps to be taken to avoid an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Like, lockdown, do not interact directly with fellow humans, may not shake hands, maintain cleanliness, even the distance between humans is at least 1 meter. The government is also aggressively promoting anti-insect spray in all regions and may not travel far. Therefore the use of masks and handytzeers is needed to use them. Hopefully this virus will soon be destroyed so that there are impacts such as the number of schoolwork through social media on a regular basis. So access to solutions becomes complicated. But I am personally grateful to the officers who handled the victims of COVID-19, hoping that they would be given health and strong immunity. The government appealed to the public. Don't forget for all of us. Take care of your body condition if you need to drink traditional herbal medicine.

    1. Ki sopo yo , hari gini ga iso ngehi jeneng

  15. By staying at home, studying at home, keeping a distance from others, and washing your hands always use hand sanitizer. Obey the government regulations, don't forget about worship and pray that the corona covid-19 virus will quickly disappear.

  16. By staying at home, studying at home, keeping a distance from others, and Fathin' Aisyah
    washing your hands always use hand sanitizer. Obey the government regulations, don't forget about worship and pray that the corona covid-19 virus will quickly disappear.

  17. Fathin aisyah

    By staying at home, studying at home, keeping a distance from others, and washing your hands always use hand sanitizer. Obey the government regulations, don't forget about worship and pray that the corona covid-19 virus will quickly disappear.

  18. I am concerned about the situation in this city. The government has suggested that we should stay at home to avoid this corona virus chain, but I still find ankle kids nowadays who are still wandering around to play at tourist attractions or playing with their girlfriends.

  19. Nurfia Yuliani

    In my opinion corona is a deadly little virus. Although small, this virus can spread very quickly. Because of this virus, all activities can be inhibited. Even planned activities that have been conceptualized for a long time must also be canceled. All human activities are limited. In fact, this virus is able to spread throughout the world causing many casualties. And many are harmed. Therefore we must comply with government regulations which stipulate that we stay at home if there are no very important needs. However, there are still many people who stay out whether they are working or even traveling. Even though the government's appeal is not lacking in the community. But this virus cannot be blamed for all the conditions in this world, because after all this virus is God's creation. And this virus is a big test that must be faced by creatures on this earth.

  20. I am very concerned about the current situation of Indonesia caused by the covid 19 virus, every day the number of people who are positively affected by the covid 19 virus is increasing because it is Indonesian people who still underestimate the dangers of the virus. They are still active outside the home such as working, playing and shopping even though the government has advised to stay indoors to cut off the spread of the covid virus 19

  21. in my opinion the covid 19 virus is a plague that really makes the world community uneasy. The spread is very fast, the virus originated originally from Wuhan. Over time it spread to various countries. Spread through direct contact, such as sneezing, cough talking etc. The way to avoid this is by not meeting with people, staying at home, washing your hands, using saitaizer, when going out wearing a mask and eating cooked food. However, there are still many Indonesian citizens who do not comply. they only think that fate and destiny are in the hands of God. if it's time it hurts, it hurts. complicated. All of those who assume that should be given a lot of education. Although there is a predetermined destiny, but we also try endeavor and trust. our destiny can be changed by our own efforts. I was laughing at the statement of the person who was proud to leave the house without wearing a mask, wandering to and fro and not being at home. maybe it's difficult for indonesian people who are not civil servants. because to eat everyday just confused. if they just stay at home. what do they want to eat tomorrow. so, yeah confused with the situation in Indonesia.

  22. Yulia Fatmasari

    With the covid 19 virus we have to be more careful when going out of the house and use masks and often wash hands with soap. Avoid going outside if there is no very important need. I hope this virus can soon disappear and we can move as usual. Take care of your health so that you do not catch the virus.

  23. Dela Putri Anggraeni

    Remain silent at home and maintain cleanliness, healthy body by diligently washing hands, maintaining eating patterns and hygiene of the residence that feels dirty, immediately make yourself feel alone when feeling unwell and while not to hang out with many people, remain patient because playing time more than sick time :)

  24. In my opinion covid 19 is a very dangerous virus and we must be vigilant. Although its size is very small, but the reaction to the virus is very fast. We must not ignore too much. Must stay alert and don't panic. Maintain cleanliness and wash hands frequently with soap. Do not forget to eat healthy foods, of course, so you can maintain the body's immune power. It's better if you just stay at home to use the time for positive activities until it ends covid 19. Stay healthy and Stay Safe.

  25. Trevi silvania

    in my opinion covid 19 is very dangerous. by staying at home can prevent contracting covid 19 so that it can break the chain of distribution of covid 19. Washing your hands thoroughly clean is an easy step to avoid covid 19. if forced out of the house then it is recommended to always use mask so that it can protect breathing from infection with covid 19. Do not contact with other people because we do not know whether the person has contracted covid 19 or not. then avoid contact with other people

  26. in my opinion the covid-19 virus is very dangerous, considering that in Indonesia almost every day the patients affected by Covid-19 increase. it's better to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus we have to maintain our own cleanliness and refrain from leaving the house. The Indonesian government's action by encouraging people to work from home, worship from home, and learn from home is very appropriate to reduce the spread of covid-19, but there are still many people who are desperate to leave the house to have fun so that it causes the outbreak of the covid-19 virus and the more widespread the virus, thus patients infected with the virus are increasing. If there are jobs or activities outside the home in a state of compulsion we must use a health mask as a protection so as not to be affected by the virus, the government policy to spray disinfectant is very useful in inhibiting the growth of the covid-19 virus.

  27. Widya nur Antika
    In my opinion with Corona or Co19, we are required to maintain personal and environmental hygiene, with that we must question the policies adopted by the government for the community, we must lock, and we will ask with what we want? We study every day, study with other people for example work, study, and worship ... but now we have to do it all at home not imagined wanting to feel bored ,, but the government adopted a policy like this just for the purposes and help us all so that we avoid this virus ... we have to fight against Corona.

  28. Retna ayu anggraini

    in my opinion corona is a virus that causes deadly disease, this virus is the same as pneumonia that attacks the lung area so that people with the virus will experience coughing, shortness of breath, rising body temperature, and colds. Generally the symptoms of this virus are similar to symptoms of the disease influenza but the corona virus is more deadly than influenza because this virus takes a long time to cure and can cause death, the way of transmission is quite easy just because we have physical contact, touch, breathe the same air as corona sufferers we will be infected with this virus .Virus corona is a virus that is classified as fast in its transmission. Now many countries have already contracted corona virus. Many sufferers have also died, medics certainly have difficulty dealing with this virus because day by day the corona virus patients are also increasing and there is no vaccine to cure the corona virus. , for that we must always m Maintain cleanliness of the body and the environment, limit relationships, avoid crowds, and wear a mask if going out of the house. If there are symptoms of the outbreak of this virus, immediately go to the hospital for an examination.

  29. Idawati

    In my opinion Regarding the Covid 19 virus, with the challenge of the Covid 19 virus outbreak, it has shocked the whole world. This virus is very small but deadly. This virus spreads quickly. With this virus we can avoid it by following the rules that have been determined do not leave the house, wash hands with soap, wear a mask if you want to get out, exercise regularly, avoid crowds, etc. With that we can all reduce the people affected by the virus 19 so as not to increase. I hope that before the holy month of Ramadan 19 the virus will soon disappear and return to normal. Don't forget we always pray and take care of your health to stay healthy and avoid the covid virus 19

  30. Covid 19 is realy dangerous virus, it can infected people for a little bit of time. Capability of this virus that can contagioud faster. So, we have to do prevention, for example wash our hands by using soap or handsanitizer, try not to touch our face, and avoid to come in public place as we can.

  31. Intan Hawa Maulidya

    Covid 19 is realy dangerous virus, it can infected people for a little bit of time. Capability of this virus that can contagioud faster. So, we have to do prevention, for example wash our hands by using soap or handsanitizer, try not to touch our face, and avoid to come in public place as we can.

  32. To prevent transmission of the virus that is increasing day by day, we should maintain our personal hygiene. Starting from washing hands before and after doing activities, using masks when leaving the house, and coughing or sneezing in accordance with ethics. We must also obey the rules of the government to conduct physical distance by staying at home and doing all activities at home, this method is used to prevent the spread of the corono virus in Indonesia.


  33. Anisa yeni elfariani

    In my opinion Corona virus or Covid-19 is a very dangerous virus because there is no vaccine or antiviral drug to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.The symptoms are cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.This virus is very deadly. It can kill a person in a matter of days, this virus can also paralyze everything such as development, economy and education in Indonesia. We are encouraged to stay at home and stay away from the crowd to prevent the spread of the corona virus besides that we also have to maintain personal hygiene and always wash hands using soap or handsanitizer after doing activities.I hope that before Ramadan comes this virus will soon disappear and we can carry out normal activities.
    Don't forget to always pray to stay protected and avoid this virus.


  34. Anisa yeni elfariani

    In my opinion Corona virus or Covid-19 is a very dangerous virus because there is no vaccine or antiviral drug to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.The symptoms are cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.This virus is very deadly. It can kill a person in a matter of days, this virus can also paralyze everything such as development, economy and education in Indonesia. We are encouraged to stay at home and stay away from the crowd to prevent the spread of the corona virus besides that we also have to maintain personal hygiene and always wash hands using soap or handsanitizer after doing activities.I hope that before Ramadan comes this virus will soon disappear and we can carry out normal activities.
    Don't forget to always pray to stay protected and avoid this virus.

  35. Pega Septi Cahyani

    In my opinion the Corona virus is indeed a very dangerous infectious disease. If someone is infected with this virus, it can cause death. But this virus can be anticipated with us living clean and healthy. Wash your hands diligently using soap and running water, routinely using a handsanitizer. Stay at home, don't go out, don't play around, which isn't important, if you have to go out, don't forget to use a mask. Never underestimate the presence of this virus because this virus is a test from God let us all follow the government's advice to rest at home, learn from home, work from home, and worship at home. Don't panic, but be alert. I hope this condition will be end faster.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. In my opinion covid 19 is a very dangerous virus. this virus has attacked thousands of people and claimed hundreds of lives. this virus can be transmitted through sputum sputum when coughing / sneezing. therefore the people are asked to be at home such as work, study, and worship at home. in addition we must be diligent to wash hands and use hand sanitation after activities, protect the environment, and maintain our immune system. And most importantly we must pray to God to be protected and avoid the virus.

  38. Shofa Faizatul Muna

    Corona or COVID-19 is very dangerous for health and also for others because corona can be transmitted very easily by just touching. We must always be careful and keep a distance from others. If you have a cold or cough, you should immediately see a doctor and wear a mask. Corona can be prevented by adopting a lifestyle such as eating nutritious foods, washing hands frequently with soap, not coming to a crowded place, keeping a distance from others and staying at home. That way the corona virus in Indonesia will be reduced. But there are still many people who are still not aware about the dangers of corona to health. People still go out of the house for non-essential rights like watching movies, playing, traveling, and so on. Therefore the corona virus in Indonesia is increasing.

  39. Indonesia is currently rocked by the Corona virus. with the Corona virus, the government established several regulations to prevent the spread of the Corona virus in Indonesia. one of them stays at home and doing activities from home. with this policy, learning is also held from home. so, obey the rules set by the government. and stay home.

  40. People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the virus. The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. Other people then catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. People can also catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is important to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.

  41. my opinion about covid 19 is by complying with government regulations to work from home, learn from home, and worship at home. besides that we also have to maintain cleanliness by frequently washing hands and maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

  42. Khusnul khotimah

    In my opinion, we should avoid viruses, we must always maintain the health of our bodies by drinking herbal remedies, washing hands, using masks when leaving the house, and avoiding greetings from others. always maintain health for ourselves and for others, because this virus has spread worldwide.

  43. Yulitavia Purhandita Rizkila
    With the impact of the corona virus (covid-19) everyone is filled with fear for an uncertain future with great confusion and difficulty. therefore we must maintain cleanliness, keep quiet at home not to go out and study online at home. we must believe the disaster will surely be recovered we will rise again.

  44. Where are the boy students? Why don't you do it? Ini seksligus Latihan literasi IT jangan sampe semudah buat komen ini aja ga bisa. Ayo belajar IT. YG BLUM BISA BUAT NAMA dan yg nsmanya blum muncul Ayo belajar

  45. Wahyunita Husnawati

    Corona virus is indeed very dangerous, we must not get infected. Do not travel to public places for the time being because covid19 virus has spread throughout the world, just stay home first or keep away socially and always wash your hands with soap or use handsanitizer use a mask if you have flu or coughing, we as youth of the nation's successors must obey the government's recommendation. The doctor is at the hospital for us, so we are at home for the doctor

  46. Mega Syaharani

    We prevent or slow down viruses such as washing hands with soap and running water, using hand sanitizers, maintaining a healthy body, eating healthy food, going out of the house when necessary and wearing masks, spraying the room with disinfectant liquid, and avoiding crowds of people or social distancing can reduce the spread of covid-19 virus. Besides doing activities in the house even working and schooling online also affects the covid-19 virus so that it does not spread more and take many victims.

  47. Yeah, everybody must take a part in fighting to repell this novel COVID 19

  48. the world is currently in emergency covid 19 or better known as the corona virus, this virus was first discovered in wuhan china in 2019. corona virus is one of the deadly viruses that can swallow many victims, this virus is very easy to develop, now this virus has spread to some countries. even this virus has arrived in Indonesia, for that I as an Indonesian citizen expect that all Indonesian people do not leave the house first, to prevent the spread of the corona virus and always prioritize cleanliness, especially hand washing

  49. Dika wahyu lestari

    In my opinion the Covid 19 virus is a very dangerous virus because there is no vaccine or cure yet. Symptoms are coughing, fever, and shortness of breath. This virus can kill humans quickly. With that the government diverted the entire community to stay at home and go away from the crowd to remove the corona virus and carry hands using soap. I hope that before Ramadan the virus is immediately removed and we can carry out normal activities. Don't forget to always ask for health.


  50. in my opinion we have to maintain ourselves and always get used to washing hands and using closed clothes and always wear a mouth mask when traveling and use the correct hand soap and it is recommended always keep a distance or direct contact with many people avoiding crowds and crowds

  51. Nindya Puspita Larasati

    In my opinion the Covid-19 virus is a deadly virus that has recently stirred up the whole world. Corona / Covid-19 is a virus that can spread quickly according to the earth. This little virus can cause many casualties. To get rid of the virus, let's break the transmission chain of Covid-19 together. Therefore, as much as possible we need government regulations to prevent this virus by staying at home temporarily and not in conflict. In addition we must always maintain cleanliness by washing hands and living a healthy lifestyle.

    Together we can face Corona!
    Let's take care of each other with home!

  52. Nening Ardhyatin

    I am concerned about the situation in this city. The government has suggested that we should stay at home to avoid this corona virus chain, but I still find ankle kids nowadays who are still wandering around to play at tourist attractions or playing with their girlfriends.

  53. Nening Ardhyatin

    I am concerned about the situation in this city. The government has suggested that we should stay at home to avoid this corona virus chain, but I still find ankle kids nowadays who are still wandering around to play at tourist attractions or playing with their girlfriends.

  54. Nening Ardhyatin

    I am concerned about the situation in this city. The government has suggested that we should stay at home to avoid this corona virus chain, but I still find ankle kids nowadays who are still wandering around to play at tourist attractions or playing with their girlfriends.


  55. My comments regarding this corona virus outbreak are very concerning. because with this outbreak the community activities became disrupted, especially for the workers. out there are still many people who do not follow the rules of the government. they should think more critically about this. because the government's goal is also good, namely to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. we may surrender but before that surrender we should try and endeavor. and the important thing is not to panic, stay at home and take care of your health.


    1. Seli PramuditaMy comments regarding this corona virus outbreak are very concerning. because with this outbreak the community activities became disrupted, especially for the workers. out there are still many people who do not follow the rules of the government. they should think more critically about this. because the government's goal is also good, namely to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. we may surrender but before that surrender we should try and endeavor. and the important thing is not to panic, stay at home and take care of your health.


    2. Seli Pramudita
      My comments regarding this corona virus outbreak are very concerning. because with this outbreak the community activities became disrupted, especially for the workers. out there are still many people who do not follow the rules of the government. they should think more critically about this. because the government's goal is also good, namely to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. we may surrender but before that surrender we should try and endeavor. and the important thing is not to panic, stay at home and take care of your health.


    3. Seli Pramudita
      My comments regarding this corona virus outbreak are very concerning. because with this outbreak the community activities became disrupted, especially for the workers. out there are still many people who do not follow the rules of the government. they should think more critically about this. because the government's goal is also good, namely to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. we may surrender but before that surrender we should try and endeavor. and the important thing is not to panic, stay at home and take care of your health.

  56. in my opinion, this corona virus is a very small but very dangerous virus. This virus is just a type of flu virus, but transmission of this virus is very very easy and it will attack the respiratory system of its victims. the great impact of the corona virus that is felt today is the call for social distancing. As a result, everyone is asked to do everything at home. good work, study, etc. especially us students, this online learning system is quite difficult. not only about the difficulty of the network or internet access they have, but students are required to do many tasks in one day. there are some who disagree with this decision because it is able to trigger students to experience pressure and stress so that it will disrupt the immune system and allow the virus to enter easily. I hope this virus can soon be found a cure and can be completely eradicated.

  57. Angelina Rahmawati

    Corona virus is a dangerous and deadly disease. We must maintain cleanliness to avoid Corona virus. We must also obey the rules to prevent the spread of the corona virus such as staying at home, avoiding gathering with people, always washing hands with soap, and using masks when outside the home. We must obey these rules to protect us and others. Especially in Indonesia, many people have been infected with the corona virus. Hopefully soon found a vaccine for corona virus. So this can end

  58. Maimudah Munawaroh

    I am very concerned about the current situation of Indonesia caused by the covid 19 virus, every day the number of people who are positively affected by the covid 19 virus is increasing because it is Indonesian people who still underestimate the dangers of the virus. They are still active outside the home such as working, playing and shopping even though the government has advised to stay indoors to cut off the spread of the covid virus 19

  59. Rita Putri Wulandari

    in my opinion we must comply with government regulations to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. By staying at home, always wash your hands, away from the crowd, not shake hands, if sick, you should wear a mask, and always maintain cleanliness. do not forget also we must pray that the covid-19 virus ends quickly and we can indulge as usual.

  60. Muhamad Fadhil Daniswara

    I think covid 19 is realy dangerous virus, it can infected people for a little bit of time. Capability of this virus that can contagioud faster.We must also obey the rules of the government to conduct physical distance by staying at home and doing all activities at home, this method is used to prevent the spread of the corono virus in Indonesia.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.


  62. I think the corona virus is not the first case in the world this is already the umpteenth time. Although there has been no Vaccine that can cure and stop we have to keep optimistic, try hard and pray for the good. And we should not panic and do not underestimate this condition. The best way that we can do is be obedient to the instructions and apply how to pecegahan transmission in daily life.
    So lat's work,do, walk and pray togheter to stop COVID 19. Togheter we can.

  63. I think the corona virus is not the first case in the world this is already the umpteenth time. Although there has been no Vaccine that can cure and stop we have to keep optimistic, try hard and pray for the good. And we should not panic and do not underestimate this condition. The best way that we can do is be obedient to the instructions and apply how to pecegahan transmission in daily life.

  64. I think the corona virus is not the first case in the world this is already the umpteenth time. Although there has been no Vaccine that can cure and stop we have to keep optimistic, try hard and pray for the good. And we should not panic and do not underestimate this condition. The best way that we can do is be obedient to the instructions and apply how to pecegahan transmission in daily life.

    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. This is a new virus and disease that were not known before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Covid-19 is indeed very dangerous. In my view the symptoms of this virus are not so severe because like people who are sick in general (such as colds, coughs and dizziness) but deadly. The government takes policies whose impact is not allowed to hold outside activities and cause crowds. Such as closing schools, doing work from home, weddings, parties, holding worship at home. In addition, the government also sprayed anti-virus in all villages and public places, and the distribution of handytzeers to people who crossed the road and the use of masks and handytzeers for the community was highly recommended. The policy taken by the government in my opinion is the right thing to prevent the spread of covid-19 in Indonesia due to the fact there is no cure for the virus. So let's obey government policies and don't forget to avoid crowds, wear masks and handytizeers, and stay home for the safety of the people of Indonesia.

    Indonesia against covid-19 SUCCESS. Amen

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death.Hopefully this virus will be eliminated soon so that there are impacts such as the number of schoolwork through social media on a regular basis. But I am personally grateful to the officers who deal with the victims of COVID-19, hope they will be given health and strong immune power. Don't forget for us all . Take care of your body condition, don't forget to be happy, and maintain health and safety. Good work.


  69. we must maintain cleanliness so as to avoid covid-19. often wash your hands often after touching items, use masks when sick, keep a distance of about 1 meter and avoid crowds, another do not leave the house if it is not important.

  70. Alfiana Hardyanti Saputri

    Covid-19 Very fangerous then of that we have to avoid the things that can make ourselves contracting. We have to maintain ourselves and always get used to washing hands and using closed clothes andalways wear a mounth mask when traveling and use thecorrect hand soap and it is recommended always keep a distance or direct contact with many people avoiding crowds and crowds

  71. in my opinion the corona virus or covid 19 is a very deadly small virus, the symptoms of the virus include shortness of breath, coughing, colds, fever, prevention methods that we must do by washing hands, using masks, avoiding crowds, keeping a distance. so We must be aware of the dangers of COVID-19 and must comply with government policies to stay at home and maintain social distance.

  72. Meisa siti s.
    Coronavirus makes people worried.especially with the increasing number of victims who have been affected by the coronavirus in indonesia.

  73. Ahmad Faruq ryandika
    Corona virus or COVID-19 is a very dangerous virus. Based on research, the danger of Corona virus can cause death. In fact, infected and cured patients will experience permanent damage to the lungs and antibodies. The simplest preventive way is to wash hands every 20 minutes.

  74. Elista Rahmawati
    Corona virus or COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system this virus is very dangerous. Based on research, the danger of Corona virus can cause death. In fact, infected and cured patients will experience permanent damage to the lungs and antibodies. The simplest preventive measure is washing hands every 20 minutes, and if it has been exposed to the virus the patient must be isolated.

  75. Nursiyamyah

    we must maintain cleanliness so as to avoid covid-19. often wash your hands often after touching items, use masks when sick, keep a distance of about 1 meter and avoid crowds, another do not leave the house if it is not important.

  76. in my opinion the way to prevent COVID-19 is, use a mask when leaving home, wash your hands, increase endurance, keep your distance (social distance) and avoid crowds, and pray at home.

  77. Ineke Devi Prastika
    in my opinion the way to prevent COVID-19 is, use a mask when leaving home, wash your hands, increase endurance, keep your distance (social distance) and avoid crowds, and pray at home,

  78. Extraordinary learning, we are increasingly shown how the human side responds to this problem. Though centuries ago, there had been a disease like this. However, all are distinguished to those who are patient and continue to share the goodness, trying to humanize other human beings. Help each other, how the world is very temporary, while the self is often forgotten, may we be protected by God and all people in this world who are affected may be healed. Work together to protect each other and don't be selfish just for your own safety

  79. Corona virus is a disease that attacks breathing. This disease is very fast transmission. Especially the elderly, toddlers and people who have a history of chronic illness. So from that let us take care of ourselves as well as cleanliness. Wash your hands frequently, keep your diet, keep your distance from each other, stay away from the crowd, wear a mask when traveling. Try not to leave the house if you have no immediate interest

  80. Armenia Widya Ningrum
    Its not “delaying the inevitable”. It makes a *big* difference whether 50% of the population comes down with the virus over the course of 18 months, instead of a month and a half. The more the spread can be slowed down, the less chance we have of saturating medical resources, and *that* is where the biggest risk to life and limb lays.
    Or, to use some invented numbers: say you have 100 populace and 10 ICU beds. If 50 people catch the disease over the course of a year, you’ll have around 4 people needing an ICU bed and ventilator each month, which you can probably handle as long as they take less than a month to recover. If 50 people catch the disease over the course of a month? You have more than 10 cases every week, which is more than you have beds and ventilators. Result: people die.

  81. Melanisa Ratna pramitasari
    Corona virus is a disease that attacks breathing. This disease is very fast transmission. Especially the elderly, toddlers and people who have a history of chronic illness. So from that let us take care of ourselves as well as cleanliness. Wash your hands frequently, keep your diet, keep your distance from each other, stay away from the crowd, wear a mask when traveling. Try not to leave the house if you have no immediate interest

  82. Fitriana Nur Budiati
    Corona virus or COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system. In general, the symptoms of the Corona virus are flu, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Efforts in preventing COVID-19 corona virus starts from washing hands cleanly, using masks, avoiding crowded places or known as Social Distance, not shaking hands, until maintaining a distance of 1-2 meters with others.

  83. Wahyu Dewi
    Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory system that can lead to death, it helps us to maintain immunity so that we are not easily infected by corona virus. In my opinion it's good for people not to panic facing corona. "With a healthy lifestyle it is actually not only corona that can be avoided, but also various other diseases,"

  84. Arni Febri

    This virus spreads between humans and other humans through fluids from the mouth and nose when humans cough or sneeze, very similar to how the flu spreads

  85. My comment about this conflict 19 we are prohibited from going out of the house unless there is any school interest at home or worshiping if we go out using a mask or that hand sanitizer Don't forget to wash your hands avoid avoiding to crowded places I hope that coffee disease 19 will soon be over so that we can do activities as usual.


    My comment about this conflict 19 we are prohibited from going out of the house unless there is any school interest at home or worshiping if we go out using a mask or that hand sanitizer Don't forget to wash your hands avoid avoiding to crowded places I hope that coffee disease 19 will soon be over so that we can do activities as usual.


    My comment about this conflict 19 we are prohibited from going out of the house unless there is any school interest at home or worshiping if we go out using a mask or that hand sanitizer Don't forget to wash your hands avoid avoiding to crowded places I hope that coffee disease 19 will soon be over so that we can do activities as usual.

  88. Adinda Anisa Wardani

    in my opinion / comment with the covid 19 virus we are all forbidden to leave the house, the school becomes an online school at home, worship becomes at home, wear a mask if you want to go out, often wash your hands using antiseptics, avoid gathering with people, Exercise regularly, avoid touching the face area, obey government regulations so that the spread of Covid 19 does not increase, I hope that in April the Covid 19 virus will soon disappear and return to normal again. Don't forget to keep your health so that we stay healthy and avoid the virus covid 19

  89. Adinda Anisa Wardani

    in my opinion / comment with the covid 19 virus we are all forbidden to leave the house, the school becomes an online school at home, worship becomes at home, wear a mask if you want to go out, often wash your hands using antiseptics, avoid gathering with people, Exercise regularly, avoid touching the face area, obey government regulations so that the spread of Covid 19 does not increase, I hope that in April the Covid 19 virus will soon disappear and return to normal again. Don't forget to keep your health so that we stay healthy and avoid the virus covid 19

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. covid 19 is a dangerous virus. this virus originates from Wuhan China. Covid 19 is a biological weapon created by the people of Wuhan to reduce the number of people in the world. This virus is a deadly virus whose spread can come from our direct contact with sufferers. Now Covid 19 has spread throughout the world, causing many deaths. Now studying, working, and worshiping is done at home to break the chain of distribution of covid 19 in the world.

  93. Dyah Rahayu Puspaningrum

    I think covid 19 is realy dangerous virus, it can infected people for a little bit of time. Capability of this virus that can contagioud faster.We must also obey the rules of the government to conduct physical distance by staying at home and doing all activities at home, this method is used to prevent the spread of the corono virus in Indonesia.

  94. Melindha dwi pratiwi

    Corona or covid 19 virus is a virus that is very dangerous and feared by everyone, but don't spread the panic, always pray that the virus will disappear and not exist in this country or in other countries and make it a habit to live clean all the time. This virus originated in China and is still spread in several countries. In general, the symptoms of the corona virus are flu, fever, cough and shortness of breath. Avoid direct contact and do not be in the crowd, stay at home until it is safe again. how the world is very temporary, while ourselves are often forgotten may we be protected by God and that all those who are affected in this world can be healed again

  95. my comment on the corona virus outbreak, perhaps from now on to remain silent at home, doing all its activities at home without having to leave the house. But it is sad that there are still many young people who wander around looking for fun without thinking about the dangers. They use this holiday to play not to study at home. Maybe the government should be more strict with teenagers who are still stubborn. Stay home to break the chain of corona virus propagation. Always take care of your health and do not forget to wash your hands after activities.

  96. Berliyan Nur Cahyana

    My opinion about covid 19 is by complying with government regulations to work from home, learn from home, and worship at home. besides that we also have to maintain cleanliness by frequently washing hands and maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

  97. Berliyan Nur Cahyana

    My opinion about covid 19 is by complying with government regulations to work from home, learn from home, and worship at home. besides that we also have to maintain cleanliness by frequently washing hands and maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.

  98. Binti Rohani

    In my opinion corona is a deadly little virus. Although small, this virus can spread very quickly. Because of this virus, all activities can be inhibited. Even planned activities that have been conceptualized for a long time must also be canceled. All human activities are limited. In fact, this virus is able to spread throughout the world causing many casualties. And many are harmed. Therefore we must comply with government regulations which stipulate that we stay at home if there are no very important needs. 

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Not infrequently lately corona virus disease / COVID-19 The government is aggressively campaigning for ways or steps to be taken to avoid the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Like, lockdown, do not interact directly with fellow humans, may not shake hands, maintain cleanliness, even the distance between humans is at least 1 meter. The government is also aggressively promoting anti-insect spray in all regions and may not travel far. Therefore the use of masks and handytzeers is needed to use them. Hopefully this virus will soon be destroyed so that there is an impact such as the amount of school work through social media on a regular basis. So access to solutions becomes complicated. But I am personally grateful to the officers who handled the victims of COVID-19, hoping that they would be given strong health and immunity. The government appealed to the community. Don't forget for all of us. Take care of your body condition if you need to take traditional herbal medicine. And we all must obey all the regulations that have been submitted by the government. Remember to study at home, work at home and worship at home

  101. Putri Mei Munawaroh

    During the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia I followed the government's advice to study at home and not go for a walk "for a while
    I always wash my hands after handling objects that I often hold using soap and wearing a mask when going out.

  102. In my opinion covid-19 is a very dangerous virus, because it can paralyze millions of people
    ang in a very short period of time. The spread of this virus is fairly fast. So it is very important for us to prevent and break the chain of transmission of this virus. One of them is by social distancing and maintaining personal hygiene as often as possible washing hands. Just be alert and don't panic.

  103. Sulis Setyowati

    In my opinion the corona virus is a dangerous and deadly virus, many people have died from the virus. We as a society are expected to remain calm and alert, because COVID-19 can be cured. We must obey the call for physical distancing to break the Covid19 chain by staying at home. Ways to prevent corona virus is to maintain the body's immune health, wash hands properly, apply ethics when sneezing and coughing, keep a distance, and use a mask if sick.

  104. in my opinion the covid-19 virus cannot be underestimated, because the effects of this virus are very dangerous to one's health, so please never underestimate this virus

  105. Corona virus is indeed dangerous with its spread very quickly, we need to be vigilant but not to over-panic. Enough to maintain personal hygiene and surroundings, drink lots of water, and follow government policies for social distancing. #dirumahaja is boring, with a lot of tasks, oh really my head wants to explode, but we can take it from the positive side with #dirumahaja we can have family time, we can be closer to family and certainly we can avoid Covid-19.
    stay healthy for everyone.

  106. In my opinion covid-19 is a deadly virus, because in a short period of time this virus can kill millions to thousands of people. The spread of this virus is quite fast and attacks people regardless of age. So it is very important for us to stop or reduce the transmission of the virus by maintaining social distance and maintaining environmental and personal hygiene, one of them with as much as possible washing your hands after traveling or interacting with someone

  107. Aisyi Bunga Larasati

    This virus (officially named SARS-CoV-2 ) has attacked more than 100 countries, killed more than 3,800 people , and infected more than 111,000 people.Some regions in other parts of the world are also quarantined. The international economic situation is in chaos. Flights were canceled, and even one airline had gone out of business. Fear has caused xenophobia and various shops have run out of staples, including toilet paper .


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