: Marsudiono, S.Pd
In globalization era, everyone is forced to compete in getting life space;
therefore one should have a good competence and performance. Having a good
skill and broad knowledge are necessary to whoever wants to get a good position
in a job. That is why recently there are many people go to school, course,
college, university, etc in the hope that they will be able to live better. But
the problem is, now there are many senior high schools
and universities graduation who being unemployment. Does this mean that
education is in vain and unable to solve the problem of unemployment? What’s
wrong with our education so that our graduation prefer to look for a job than
to create a job, and why some of them fail in competing for getting a job? In
this essay the writer will discuss this problem from educational point of view.
The ideal expectation is that soon after graduated from university then gets a
good job in relation to their proficiency, but the reality will say the
different thing. The jargon “ the right person in the right place” is well
known by most educated people, but it is not public secret anymore that there
is someone who works out of his department event there is no relation at all
between his education and his job. It is good for him to get a job but it is better
if he gets a good job in relation to his department for two reasons. First of
all, he can work more efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, he can develop
his capability and proficiency in working. Second, he does not take other
people’s opportunity. It means that he
gives opportunity to other people who have more competence in that job.
About 130 thousand of social and cultural sciences’ graduations are unemployment
and this number will increase from year to year. Only 50-60 % of them are
received by the formal job field. The same thing happens in senior high school’s graduation. Every year, state universities only receive 70 thousand new
students and private universities receive 200
thousand new students. It means that there are 500 thousand senior high
school’s graduations are unemployment. (Minggu Pagi weekly news). This
situation will become national concern if it goes on continuously from time to
Herbert Spencer says that the great aim of education is not knowledge but action. It means
that the objective of teaching learning process is not only in the cognitive
domain but also in the psychomotor and affective domains.
Even the last two domains should be paid more attention. In our education, most
students still consider that mark is everything, passing in the examination is the most important thing
and graduate is the end goal of learning. On the other hand, the material and
evaluation given is more prone to measure cognitive domain. As a result,
students are being accustomed to study hard only when they will face the
examination and for those who are lazy in studying, cheating is the only way.
May be it is not absolutely students’ fault if they are cheating in examination
because the form of the test it self which often forces students to do so.
Whenever most students still emphasize their study on getting a good grade
point average, of course, the result is then they are just good in knowledge
but weak in skill. That is to say that one who has a good knowledge may be not
good in its application. It is time for us to consider students’ ability not
only from their intelligence but from their creativity as well.
Still in relation with education, John Dewey, a
famous 20th- century philosopher stated that the only worthwhile
knowledge was knowledge that could be used. He convinced educators that it was
pointless to make students memorize useless facts that they would quickly
forget. Rather, schools should teach thinking processes and skills that affect
how people live and work. While what students get in school now is a series of
theory and practice is only a little. This situation makes students to be
accustomed only to adopt and learn what the teacher gives and hardly ever to
develop the material by themselves. They think that by studying only the
material given by the teacher, they will be able to achieve a good mark. When teacher
gives the material to the students by lecturing, what students gets is only
what the teacher gives. Students are just as listeners and more prone to be
passive. While a good condition is that there must be lively activities between
teacher and students about the material, so it will encourage students to think
and to express their ideas.
As a matter of fact, some students go into the class with an empty head. They
thought that by attending the class and listen to the teacher’s lecturing is
enough and the most important thing is that they can graduate. If this
condition goes on then the statement that studying at university is only
prolongation of time from being un employment will come true. It means that
studying at university is only a way to escape from being unemployment after
graduating from senior high school. this phenomena will lead to intellectual
From the discussion above we can conclude that there are still some weaknesses
in both students their selves and the system of education. This situation
brings about the graduation of university and senior high school are not ready
to work because some of them still lack of skill so that unable to compete. To
solve this problem, government, educators, and educational
institution should pay more attention on the student’s characteristic
and the system of education so that the situation of teaching and learning
process will lead students to be more active and creative so that whenever they
graduate they wiil be ready both to work and to create a new job field, so that
to provide a job field is not only the homework of the government but people as
well. To end up this essay the writer remind that opportunities do not merely
exist, but are created
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