NARRATIVE TEXT A. Definition and Social Function of Narrative Text Narrative Text is a text containing story. It can be in the form of folktale/ folklore, fable , Legend, short story , fairy tale, myth, etc. The main function of this text is to entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experience in different ways. Narrative always deals with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem. B. Generic Structure of Narrative Text 1. Orientation It is the background of the story which tells about who, when, where, and what is the story about. 2. Complication A problem arises and followed by other problems which lead to the climax of conflict in the story. A story can have complication more than one. 3. Resolution: It is the problem solving of the problem which can end with happy ending or sad ending or tragedy. C. Language Features of Narrativ...